
As a business owner, you run a thriving roofing company for several years now. You should be proud of yourself and your hard work. However, just like the rest of us, you have noticed considerable shifts in the consumer behavior. Radio and television ads do not seem to be as efficient as they were just ten years ago. You have already stopped advertising in the local newspaper. 

But you still need a new way to reach customers and may have wondered if a roofing company website would help.

We are here today to tell you that the answer to your inquiry is a resounding “Yes”. Now let us take a few moments to go over why we believe a roofing website can do that.

First, we should talk about the most relevant issue. Contrary to what some enthusiastic sales representatives might tell you, not all websites are built equal. While only having a website might sound like a good thing, there is a quality difference between a website made by a digital marketing agency and  one built on Google Sites.

We want you to comprehend the importance of not just owning a roofing company website, but leveraging an excellent one. Your in-house or outsourced web developer should create your site with up-to-date SEO principles in mind. It must be responsive, easily updated, mobile-friendly, and designed with your business’ Buyer Persona in mind.

Now, let’s address how to create a buyer persona profile because you will want your website roaming with prospects. Marketing specialists have always examined target demographics. For years, they have poured over data searching for trends and patterns to create improved and more relevant content. They created powerful customer profiles based solely on buying habits and consumer behavior.

However, a Buyer Persona takes this to the next level. Simply put, it is a semi-fictional description of your ideal customer. Most businesses have two or three. And, yes, while we understand that you would usually accept business from anyone who can pay, you have probably remarked some overall patterns among your customers’ buying habits.

For our purposes today, we are going to name your Buyer Persona “Boomer Tom.” You should always name your Buyer Persona as it helps to think of them as a real person and not an abstract concept.

If you may have noticed, we made an assumption. This Buyer Persona was born before 1965 during the Baby Boom era. Take note that age is critical when you develop Buyer Personas. It helps you to estimate:

  • What career level your buyer is in (in this case, probably senior-level)
  • What might be thinking now (retirement activities)
  • The pain points they are facing (repairing a roof during their golden years)
  • How your business can solve those pain points

Buyer Personas also examine where this person goes for information. That’s especially significant to learn their browsing habits so the style of your web content is relevant to them. 

The purpose of a roofing company website

For now, we have addressed two issues: the quality of your website and its content. But have you ever heard of Simon Sinek? Probably not, and that is just fine. He is known as the pioneer of a concept known as Start with Why. He breaks any business down to a simplistic idea:

Why are you in business?

If your answer is “to make money,” you are in the wrong line of work. Instead, the answer should be something like this:

”I am in this business because I provide my customers with superior roofing solutions at reasonable prices.”

Therefore, first, you should define your why.

Next, apply it to all of your business activities. And ensure your why is reflected on your website.

Therefore, one of the purposes of your roofing company website is to communicate your why to your customers. It is a simple approach. When you start with your why and develop your site content around your Buyer Persona, your sales and marketing strategies will begin to align.

Now, let’s address what a great roofing company website should include. Did you know that most consumers are looking for a website while they are in the Awareness stage of their Buyers Journey? We may overwhelm you with new terms, but to keep it simple:

The Awareness stage is the phase your customer is first learning about your business or brand. It might be helpful to think about how a prospect might conduct online research. What would you like to see on your website from a customer’s perspective?

We believe there are four critical components your roofing company website must include in order to become the star employee of your roofing business.

  • Pricing: Some roofing companies believe that their pricing is like the secret ingredient. They think by omitting the pricing of their website, they’re keeping it from the competitors. The reality is that if your competition is good at market research, they probably already found out your pricing. Give your customers an estimate. It doesn’t need to be exact but will encourage them to move quickly to the Consideration stage.
  • Portfolio: The Consideration stage is where your prospects are about to make a decision soon. Do you want to know the best way to encourage them your way? Provide high-quality photos of jobs you have completed. If possible, add video testimonials from satisfied customers. 
  • Contact info: This might seem obvious but believe it or not, sometimes companies forget to show important contact info on their website. While a specialized marketing agency will be on top of this, if by some chance you’re having your site built in-house, include your phone number, address, email address, and links to active social media profiles.
  • About us: Your consumers need to know who they are hiring and trusting with their home. Add team member photos, especially if you’re a family-run or long-term local business. Behind-the-scene videos are also known to increase audience engagement.

How can my roofing website help me rank higher in Google searches? That is a complicated question as you need to understand that ranking first on Google can be addressed through several methods. It might be best to consider the search engine rankings as customized results based on your Buyer Persona needs. Your site content should naturally reflect the keyword you are focusing on. 

Are you blogging? Because it is the easiest way to show Google that your site is up and running and being updated regularly with relevant content to your target audience.

Finally, are you making the most out of your social media profiles? This type of content can help create authority for your website.

Securing a top place in SERPs is a complex game, but it’s not impossible. And this is where we come in.

We are here to help you get started with the best possible website for your roofing company as we provide a wide range of services to get you started.

Want to know more? Contact us today!